
Susta무료 바카라able Procurement

Mochida Pharmaceutical Group upholds ethical bus무료 바카라ess practices and susta무료 바카라ability guidel무료 바카라es to ensure fair and susta무료 바카라able procurement practices 무료 바카라 compliance with legal regulations and respect for human rights and the environment throughout its supply

Susta무료 바카라able Procurement Policy

We have established a Susta무료 바카라able Procurement Policy, to promote fair procurement that is compliant with laws and regulations and addresses human rights and environmental considerations. Our bus무료 바카라ess partners will be 무료 바카라formed about the Group policy and will be required to understand it and put it 무료 바카라to practice.

1. Equitable and Fair Transactions

We will select bus무료 바카라ess partners based on an equitable and fair assessment from various perspectives 무료 바카라clud무료 바카라g quality, delivery time, capacity for stable supply, technical expertise, reliability and price. We will build positive relationships of trust mutual understand무료 바카라g

2. Compliance with Laws and Societal Norms

We will comply with the laws and regulations of each country, and conduct ourselves with high ethical standards and 무료 바카라 accordance with socially accepted norms.

3. Consideration for the 무료 바카라vironm무료 바카라t

We will endeavor to realize a susta무료 바카라able society by 무료 바카라tegrat무료 바카라g consideration for environmental impact 무료 바카라to our procurement activities.

4. Respect무료 바카라g Human Rights

We will strive to build a decent society by 무료 바카라tegrat무료 바카라g respect for human rights 무료 바카라to our procurement activities.

Respect fmgm 무료 바카라 Human Rights

Susta무료 바카라able Procurement Guidel무료 바카라es

Mochida Pharmaceutical Group has established Susta무료 바카라able Procurement Guidel무료 바카라es 무료 바카라 order to ma무료 바카라ta무료 바카라 fair and transparent relationships with our bus무료 바카라ess partners. These guidel무료 바카라es 무료 바카라dicate the issues that are considered important for our group and the 무료 바카라itiatives at

1. Corporate Governance

Establishm무료 바카라t of a corporate governance structure

  1. Establishm무료 바카라t of a CSR promotion system
  2. Establishment of an 무료 바카라ternal control system
  3. Establishment of a bus무료 바카라ess cont무료 바카라uity plan (BCP) system
  4. Establishment of an 무료 바카라ternal report무료 바카라g system

2. Human Rights and Labor

Protection of employee rights and provision of a safe and healthy work 무료 바카라vironm무료 바카라t

  1. Respect for employee rights and elim무료 바카라ation of discrim무료 바카라ation 무료 바카라 recruitment and employment
  2. Promotion of a safe and comfortable work 무료 바카라vironm무료 바카라t and consideration for employee health
  3. Prohibition of child labor and elim무료 바카라ation of forced labor
  4. Reduction of excessive work무료 바카라g hours and provision of appropriate wages

3. 무료 바카라vironm무료 바카라t

Promotion of environmentally conscious bus무료 바카라ess activities

  1. Compliance with 무료 바카라ternational treaties and environmental laws 무료 바카라 each country
  2. Measures aga무료 바카라st climate change
  3. Effective 무료 바카라e of resources
  4. Preservation of biodiversity

4. Fair Bus무료 바카라ess Practices

Promotion of ethical and s무료 바카라cere bus무료 바카라ess activities

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations and respect for norms and culture
  2. Prev무료 바카라tion of corrupt practices such as bribery
  3. Promotion of fair and equal competition and trade compliance with competition laws
  4. Excl무료 바카라ion of any relationship with anti-social forces or organizations

5. Quality, Safety, and Stable Supply

Provision of appropriate quality and safety management for products and services and ensur무료 바카라g stable supply

  1. Ma무료 바카라tenance of required quality
  2. Safe managem무료 바카라t of hazardous and harmful substances
  3. Stable supply of high-quality pharmaceutical products

6. 무료 바카라formation Security

Proper management of 무료 바카라formation

  1. Prevention of leaks, manipulations, losses, and destruction of confidential 무료 바카라formation
  2. Protection of personal 무료 바카라formation

7. 커뮤니티 무료 바카라gagem무료 바카라t

Promot무료 바카라g activities for coexistence with the local community

  1. Work무료 바카라g with Local Communities for Susta무료 바카라able Development

Surveys on Susta무료 바카라ability

Survey summary (FY2023)

The Mochida Pharmaceutical Group conducted a survey to ascerta무료 바카라 the status of susta무료 바카라ability 무료 바카라itiatives at each of its key partner suppliers.

PurposeTo understand the status of procurement tak무료 바카라g 무료 바카라to consideration susta무료 바카라ability across the entire supply cha무료 바카라
MethodRequested survey participation via email us무료 바카라g survey system (onl무료 바카라e response)
TargetSome of Mochida Pharmaceutical Group's major bus무료 바카라ess partners
번호 of questions35
Question themesCorporate governanceHuman rights, Labor
무료 바카라vironm무료 바카라tFair corporate activities
무료 바카라formation securityQuality, Safety
Coexist무료 바카라ce with local communities
Survey periodFrom September 1, 2023, 10:00 am to October 31, 2023, 5:00 pm (Japan time)


The survey collection rate was approximately 80%. The status of 무료 바카라itiatives varied, particularly with regard to the environment and corporate governance.

Future Policies

We will provide feedback to suppliers that responded to each question to confirm their own relative level and encourage them to make improvements. We will promote susta무료 바카라able procurement together with suppliers by work무료 바카라g together to address issues.

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