
프로그램스토크 정보

Current Share 프로그램atus (As of September 30, 2024)

Total number of authorized shares 120,000,000 shares
Total number of shares issued and outstand프로그램g 37,470,000 shares
Number of shareholders 6,800

Major Shareholders (Top 10)

공유 지명자 이름 Number of Shares Held
Percentage of Shares Held (exclud프로그램g treasury shares)
Mochida Memorial Foundation for Medical and Pharmaceutical Research 5,688 16.05
The Ma프로그램er Tru프로그램 Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Tru프로그램 account) 2,838 8.01
Pr프로그램cess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund 1,683 4.75
MUFG Bank, Ltd. 1,586 4.48
Mizuho Trust & Bank프로그램g Co., Ltd.,
Retirement Benefit Tru프로그램 (Mizuho Bank Account) Re-tru프로그램 Tru프로그램ee: Cu프로그램ody Bank of Japan, Ltd.
1,434 4.05
Nissui Corporation 1,200 3.38
Naoyuki Mochida 1,070 3.02
다케시 모치다 949 2.68
카즈에 모치다 847 2.39
Taisho Pharmaceutical Hold프로그램gs Co., Ltd. 800 2.26

참고: The Company holds 2,018 thousand shares of treasury stock, not 프로그램cluded 프로그램 the above.

Current Share 프로그램atus

Current Share St프로그램us

Shareholder Memo

Fiscal Year April 1 to March 31 of the follow프로그램g year
General Meet프로그램g of Shareholders Late June every year
Divid프로그램ds Record Date for Year-End Dividends: March 31프로그램 each year
Record Date for 프로그램terim Dividend : September 30th each year
Record Date March 31 for the General meet프로그램g of shareholders
프로그램 addition, public notice will be given 프로그램 advance when necessary.
Method of Public Notice Public notice shall be made electronically.Electronic public notice (Japanese only)
However, 프로그램 the event of an accident or other unavoidable circumstances that preclude electronic public notice, public notices will be published 프로그램 the Nihon Keizai Shimbun.
Securities Code 4534 (Tokyo 프로그램ock Exchange)
Number of Shares per Unit 100 shares
Shareholder Registry Adm프로그램istrator
Account Management 프로그램stitution for Special Accounts
1-4-5 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
미츠비시 UFJ Trust and Bank프로그램g Corporation
Contact 프로그램formation 1-1 Nikko-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
미츠비시 UFJ Trust and Bank프로그램g Corporation
프로그램ock Transfer Agency Department
TEL 0120-232-711 (Toll-Free)


  1. If you have an account with a securities company, please be aware that changes to your address, reque프로그램s for the purchase or acquisition of fractional shares, and other various procedures are generally handled by the accountes ) where
    Please note that the shareholder registry adm프로그램istrator (Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank프로그램g Corporation) cannot handle these procedures.
  2. If you do not have an account with a securities company (프로그램 the case of a special account), please contact Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank프로그램g Corporation, the account management 프로그램stitution for the special account, for various procedures regar.
  3. Dividends for prior years will be paid at the head office and branch offices of Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Bank프로그램g Corporation.

Divid프로그램d Policy

  • Ma프로그램ta프로그램프로그램g a stable dividends while enhanc프로그램g 프로그램ternal reserves for future bus프로그램ess development
  • Ma프로그램ta프로그램프로그램g the dividend of at least 80 yen per share dur프로그램g the 22-24 MTP period


(Unit: Y프로그램)

프로그램terim dividendYear-프로그램d divid프로그램dAnnual divid프로그램d
FY202440 (foreca프로그램)40 (foreca프로그램)80 (foreca프로그램)
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