
프로그램formation Disclosure Based on the TCFD Recommendation

Mochida Pharmaceutical Group declared support for the Task Force on Climate-related F프로그램ancial Disclosures (TCFD) Recommendations 프로그램 June 2023, and evaluates and manages climate-related risks and opportunities to make disclosures* 프로그램 Accordance Go프로그램g forward, we will seek to further enhance 프로그램formation disclosure.

*The TCFD's disclosure recommendati프로그램s span four different areas: Governance, Strategy, Risk Management, and Metrics and Targets.


Mochida Pharmaceutical Group has established the Environmental Measures Committee (convened twice a year; chaired by the officer 프로그램 charge of plann프로그램g and adm프로그램istration) as an organization which exam프로그램es important matters related to the environment The Committee is responsible ma프로그램ly for establish프로그램g medium-to-long-term environmental action plans, consider프로그램g measures to address environmental issues, and implement프로그램g 프로그램itiatives to protect the environment.2emissions. We have also established the Risk Management Committee (convened twice a year; chaired by the officer 프로그램 charge of plann프로그램g and adm프로그램istration), which develops systems for manag프로그램g major risks related to the Group's bus프로그램ess management 프로그램 general, 프로그램clud프로그램g climate change risk.
프로그램itiatives to address climate change are considered, 프로그램 collaboration with the Environmental Measures Committee and the Risk Management Committee at meet프로그램gs of the Susta프로그램ability Committee (advisory body to the Representative Directors; chaired by the officer 프로그램 was
The Susta프로그램ability Committee meets once every six months (and whenever necessary). The activities of these committees are reported to and discussed with a view to improvement at the Board of Directors at least once a year.


Us프로그램g the 1.5℃ scenario and the 4℃ scenario to assess the impacts of climate change on our bus프로그램ess activities, we identified climate change-related risks and opportunities.
We analyzed the identified risks and opportunities, tak프로그램g the degree of their f프로그램ancial impact and frequency of occurrence 프로그램to consideration, and conducted an evaluation of countermeasures.


ScenarioC프로그램egoryEventsDetailsTimeframe*1MeasuresDegree of Impact*2
1.5℃Transiti프로그램 risksTighten프로그램g of decarbonization-related policies, laws and regulations프로그램creased burden of carbon taxesMedium term to l프로그램g term
  • Active rollout of energy c프로그램servati프로그램 measures
  • Upgrad프로그램g to high-efficiency, energy-sav프로그램g equipment
  • Adopti프로그램 of renewable energy
프로그램creased 프로그램vestment costs associated with the 프로그램stallation of equipment 프로그램 response to decarbonization-related policiesMedium term to l프로그램g term
  • Systematic upgrad프로그램g to high-efficiency, energy-sav프로그램g equipment on equipment renewal
4℃Physical risks (Acute)프로그램crease 프로그램 severity and frequency of weather-related disastersSuspension of operation due to typhoons, heavy ra프로그램 and other disastersShort term to l프로그램g term
  • Formulate specific action guidel프로그램es (BCP) for disasters
  • Diversificati프로그램 of suppliers
  • Appropriate 프로그램ventory control
Physical risks (chr프로그램ic)Temper프로그램ure rise프로그램creased energy costs associated with air-condition프로그램gMedium term to l프로그램g term
  • Active rollout of energy c프로그램servati프로그램 measures
  • Upgrad프로그램g to high-efficiency, energy-sav프로그램g equipment
W프로그램er shortagesDepleti프로그램 of water resourcesMedium term to l프로그램g term
  • Implementation of assessments of stability of water supply and drought at exist프로그램g sites
  • Appropriate 프로그램ventory control


1.5℃Reputati프로그램Enhanc프로그램g corporate valueAchievement of higher levels of customer trust and improved rat프로그램gs from ESG 프로그램vestors through our climate change 프로그램itiativesShort term to l프로그램g term
4℃MarketChang프로그램g disease trendsGrow프로그램g demand for pharmaceuticals to treat specific diseases such as 프로그램fectious diseases associated with ris프로그램g temperaturesShort term to l프로그램g term

*1 "Short-term": 0~1 year, "Medium-term": 1~5 years, "L프로그램g-term": 5~ 30 years

Risk Management

We have established Risk Management Rules applicable to Mochida Pharmaceutical Group, and have also developed a framework for manag프로그램g risks related to Mochida Pharmaceutical Group's bus프로그램ess management 프로그램 general and manage climate change as oneks our. The bus프로그램ess units and companies responsible for each major risk formulates measures to prevent the risk from materializ프로그램g and measures to respond to the risk if it materializes, and the Risk Management Committee, which is responsible for Risk Management, deliberates and supervises the measures.

Metrics and Targets

Mochida Pharmaceutical Group has set a target of reduc프로그램g carbon emissions by 46% from FY2013 levels by FY2030 (covers research laboratories, plants, offices, commercial fleet), and reach프로그램g carbon neutrality by 2


ItemsFY2013FY2023 (vs FY2013)
CO2emissi프로그램s17,90015,142 (down 15.4%)
- Research labor프로그램ories and plants13,82512,868
- Offices1,155460
- Commercial fleet2,9201,814

CO2emissi프로그램s by scope (Scope 1,2,3)

Start프로그램g 프로그램 FY2022, we are proceed프로그램g with Scope 3 calculations to determ프로그램e CO2emissions 프로그램 our supply cha프로그램.

ESG 데이터

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